California Lutheran University
加利福尼亚州路德大学位于加州洛杉矶市郊,距离洛杉矶市区仅需要3英哩的车程,也就是从洛杉矶往北走 highway101大约45分钟开车的距离 ,离洛杉矶国际机场也只需要1小时的车程,而加州的气候温暖,拥有著名的沙滩,为一个不可多得的度假胜地。全年阳光普照,有全美最佳沙滩及度假胜地。校园面积225英亩,位于在山坡上,背山面海,环境十分优美。该城市被美国FBI评定为全美最安全的城市之一。加利福尼亚路德大学提供近百门课程供学生选择。
加利福尼亚州路德大学创建于1959年,是一所私立综合性大学。该校获得了美国教育界权威机构WASC的认可,在美国西部硕士排名中列第18位。拥有一个主校区及两个研究生学习中心。 加利福尼亚州路德大学的文科学院,理工科学院,商学院和教育学院为学生们开设有学士学位,硕士学位和专业教育等课程,而且在晚间还开设有37个学士学位课程和31个辅修课程,以方便学生攻读。其中一年的MBA专业最受国际学生欢迎。该校获得了美国教育界权威机构WASC的认可, 在美国西部硕士排名中列第18位。在校学生3499人,其中研究生1303人,本科生2196人,其中包含了来自43个国家的国际学生。平均每个班级15人。该校毕业生均有机会获得一年的带薪实习。
加利福尼亚州路德大学占地面积225公顷,拥有完善的教学科研设备。图书馆内拥有超过15000本学术杂志供学生研究。其他的设备包含了校舍、学生宿舍、图书馆、电脑中心、健身房、校园便利商店及艺术表演中心等。 其中13所学生宿舍被安排于校园边上,它有着私人的卫生间,全套功能的厨房(包含有烤箱,微波炉和全尺寸的冰箱等设施)空调,高速无线宽带接入和有线电视等。学生还可以使用游泳池及健身中心等。
Financial Planning Minor (辅修:财务规划)
Global Business Minor (辅修:全球商务)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Finance (工商管理:金融)
Economics Bachelor of Arts (经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Business Economics-3 year (工商管理:商业经济学)
MS in Information Technology:Data Analytics (信息技术:数据分析)
Post MBA Certificate (MBA)
Data Analytics Certificate (数据分析)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Global Business-3.5 year (工商管理:全球商业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Innovation and Entrepreneurship-3.5 year (工商管理:创新与创业)
MBA-Finance (金融)
MBA-Information Technology (信息技术)
MBA-Marketing (市场营销)
MBA-Human Capital Management-Westlake Village (人力资源管理)
MS in Information Technology:IT Management (信息技术:IT管理)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Business Economics (工商管理:商业经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Innovation and Entrepreneurship-3 year (工商管理:创新与创业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Management- 3 year (工商管理:管理学)
MBA-Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Thousand Oaks (企业创新和创业)
MBA-Marketing-Thousand Oaks (市场营销)
MS in Information Technology:IT Management (信息技术:信息技术管理)
Certificate in Financial Planning (财务策划)
Certificate in Information Technology (资讯科技)
MBA-Human Capital Management (人力资源管理)
MBA-International Business (国际商务)
MBA-Finance-Westlake Village (金融)
MBA-International Business-Westlake Village (国际事务)
Sports Management Bachelor of Science (体育管理)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Finance-3 year (工商管理:金融)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Global Business-3 year (工商管理:全球商业)
MBA-Finance-Thousand Oaks (金融)
MBA-Human Capital Management-Thousand Oaks (人力资源管理)
MBA-Information Technology-Thousand Oaks (信息技术)
MBA-International Business-Thousand Oaks (国际事务)
Master of Public Policy and Administration-Thousand Oaks (公共政策和行政管理)
Cybersecurity Certificate (网络安全)
MBA-pathway (MBA桥梁课程)
MBA (工商管理硕士)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Business Economics-3.5 year (工商管理:商业经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Finance-3.5 year (工商管理:金融)
Entrepreneurship Minor (创业)
MBA-Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship (企业创新和创业)
MBA-Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Westlake Village (企业创新和创业)
MBA-Information Technology-Westlake Village (信息技术)
MBA-Marketing-Westlake Village (市场营销)
M.S. in Management-Thousand Oaks (管理学)
M.S. in Quantitative Economics (量化经济学)
MS in Information Technology:Cybersecurity (信息技术:网络安全)
Accounting Bachelor of Science (会计学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Global Business (工商管理:全球商业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Innovation and Entrepreneurship (工商管理:创新与创业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Management (工商管理:管理学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Marketing (工商管理:市场营销)
Business Administration Minor (辅修:工商管理)
Economics Minor (辅修:经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Marketing-3 years (工商管理:市场营销)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Management- 3.5 year (工商管理:管理学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Marketing- 3.5 year (工商管理:市场营销)
Executive MBA (高管MBA)
Full-time MBA (工商管理)
M.S. in Management (管理学)
Master of Public Policy and Administration (公共政策和行政管理)
Masters in Management (管理学)
M.A. in Educational Leadership-Oxnard (教育领导力)
Exercise Science Bachelor of Science:Pedagogy/Teaching (运动科学:教育学/教学)
M.A. in Educational Leadership-Santa Maria (教育领导力)
M.S. in Counseling for K-12 Schools-Oxnard (K-12学校心理咨询)
M.S. in Counseling for K-12 Schools (K-12学校心理咨询)
M.A. in Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science (跨学科)
History Pedagogy Bachelor of Arts (历史教育学)
Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts (跨学科)
Liberal Studies in Education Bachelor of Arts (教育通识教育)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Credential Program (聋人和重听者证书)
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential (初步教育专家证书)
M.S. in Counseling for Higher Education-Woodland Hills (高等教育心理咨询)
Preliminary Teaching Credential (初步教师资格证)
Preliminary Teaching Credential-Oxnard (初步教师资格证)
M.S. in Counseling for Higher Education (高等教育心理咨询)
Applied Scientific Computing Minor (辅修:应用科学计算)
Computer Science Minor (辅修:计算机科学)
Computer Information Systems (计算机信息系统)
Computer Information Systems Minor (辅修:计算机信息系统)
Computer Science Bachelor of Science (计算机科学)
MS in Information Technology (信息技术)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Graphic Design / Print (多媒体:平面设计/印刷)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Interactivity, Web & Mobile Devices (多媒体:交互性, 网络和移动设备)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Musical Theatre (音乐:音乐剧)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Film and Television Production (通讯:电影和电视制作)
Film and Television Minor (辅修:电影和电视)
Multimedia Minor (辅修:多媒体)
Philosophy Minor (辅修:哲学)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:High Definition Digital Cinema (多媒体:高清数字影院)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Performance (音乐:表演)
Film and Television Bachelor of Arts:Film and Television Production (电影和电视:电影和电视制作)
Film and Television Bachelor of Arts:Film Studies (电影和电视:电影研究)
Communication Minor (辅修:通信)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Digital Gaming (多媒体:数字游戏)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Visual Effects, Motion Graphics & Animation (多媒体:视觉效果, 动态图形和动画)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Church Music (音乐:教堂音乐)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Composition (音乐:作曲)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Music Education (音乐:音乐教育)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Music Technology (音乐:音乐技术)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Journalism (通讯:新闻学)
Art Minor (辅修:艺术)
Music Minor (辅修:音乐)
Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts:Musical Theatre (戏剧:音乐剧)
Music Production Bachelor of Arts (音乐制作)
Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts:Performance (戏剧:表演)
Legal Studies Minor (辅修:法律研究)
Art Bachelor of Arts (艺术)
Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts:Technical Theatre (戏剧:技术剧院)
English Minor (辅修:英语)
Creative Writing Minor (辅修:创意写作)
German Minor (辅修:德语)
English Bachelor of Arts (英语)
French Bachelor of Arts (法语)
German Bachelor of Arts (德语)
Spanish Bachelor of Arts (西班牙语)
Biology Minor (辅修:生物学)
Geosciences Minor (辅修:地球科学)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Bachelor of Science (生物化学和分子生物学)
Environmental Science Bachelor of Science (环境科学)
Geosciences Bachelor of Science (地球科学)
Physics Bachelor of Arts (物理学)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Advertising/Public Relations (通讯:广告/公共关系)
Environmental Studies Minor (辅修:环境研究)
Physics Minor (辅修:物理)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Bachelor of Arts (生物化学和分子生物学)
Biology Bachelor of Arts (生物学)
Exercise Science Bachelor of Science:Health Professions (运动科学:卫生专业)
Exercise Science Bachelor of Science:Human Performance (运动科学:人为表现)
Mathematics Bachelor of Arts (数学)
Mathematics Bachelor of Science (数学)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (生物化学与分子生物学)
Mathematics Minor (辅修:数学)
Chemistry Bachelor of Arts (化学)
Physics Bachelor of Science (物理学)
Chemistry Minor (辅修:化学)
Biology Bachelor of Science (生物学)
Chemistry Bachelor of Science (化学)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Sports Communication (通讯:体育传播)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Sports Psychology Applications (心理学:运动心理学应用)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Health and Wellness Applications (心理学:健康和保健应用)
American Studies Minor (辅修:美国研究)
Ethnic and Race Studies Bachelor of Arts (辅修:民族和种族研究)
Ethnic Studies Minor (辅修:民族研究)
Political Science Minor (辅修:政治科学)
Spanish Minor (辅修:西班牙语)
Theatre Arts Minor (辅修:戏剧艺术)
Marketing Communication Bachelor of Arts (营销传播)
Political Science Bachelor of Arts:Law and Public Policy (政治学:法律与公共政策)
Sociology Bachelor of Arts (社会学)
Asian Studies Minor (辅修:亚洲研究)
Global Studies Minor (辅修:全球研究)
Psychology Minor (辅修:心理学)
Sociology Minor (辅修:社会学)
TESOL Minor (辅修:对外英语教学)
Theology and Christian Leadership Minor (辅修:神学与基督教领袖)
Criminology and Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science (犯罪学与刑事司法)
Political Science Bachelor of Arts:International Relations (政治学:国际关系)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Behavioral/Clinical Applications (心理学:行为/临床应用)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Psychobiology (心理学:心理生物学)
MA in Spirituality and Social Change (灵性与社会变迁)
Dance Minor (辅修:舞蹈)
History Minor (辅修:历史)
Religion Minor (辅修:宗教)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Minor (辅修:创新创业)
Theology and Christian Leadership Bachelor of Arts:Spirituality and the Arts (神学与基督教领袖:灵性与艺术)
Theology and Christian Leadership Bachelor of Arts:Children, Youth and Family Ministry (神学与基督教领袖:儿童、青年和家庭部)
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (初步行政服务证书)
MS in Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)- Westlake Village (咨询心理学)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)- Oxnard (咨询心理学)
Certificate of Advanced Theological Studies (Lutheran Year) (高级神学研究)
French Minor (辅修:法语)
Gender and Women’s Studies Minor (辅修:性别与妇女研究)
Public Health Minor (辅修:公共健康)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)-Westlake Village (咨询心理学)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)-Oxnard (咨询心理学)
History Bachelor of Arts:Museum Studies (历史:博物馆研究)
Philosophy Bachelor of Arts (哲学)
Religion Bachelor of Arts (宗教)
Theology and Christian Leadership Bachelor of Arts:Not for Profit & Social Sector (神学与基督教领袖:非盈利性社会部门)
Global Studies Bachelor of Arts (全球研究)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Business/Organizational Applications (心理学:商业/组织应用)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Family and Child Development (心理学:家庭和儿童发展)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Law and Criminal Behavior Applications (心理学:法律和犯罪行为应用)
Geology Minor (地质学)
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential-Oxnard (初步行政服务证书)
Certificate of Theological Studies (神学研究)
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential-Santa Maria (初步行政服务证书)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT) (咨询心理学)
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