California Lutheran University
加利福尼亚州路德大学位于加州洛杉矶市郊,距离洛杉矶市区仅需要3英哩的车程,也就是从洛杉矶往北走 highway101大约45分钟开车的距离 ,离洛杉矶国际机场也只需要1小时的车程,而加州的气候温暖,拥有著名的沙滩,为一个不可多得的度假胜地。全年阳光普照,有全美最佳沙滩及度假胜地。校园面积225英亩,位于在山坡上,背山面海,环境十分优美。该城市被美国FBI评定为全美最安全的城市之一。加利福尼亚路德大学提供近百门课程供学生选择。
加利福尼亚州路德大学创建于1959年,是一所私立综合性大学。该校获得了美国教育界权威机构WASC的认可,在美国西部硕士排名中列第18位。拥有一个主校区及两个研究生学习中心。 加利福尼亚州路德大学的文科学院,理工科学院,商学院和教育学院为学生们开设有学士学位,硕士学位和专业教育等课程,而且在晚间还开设有37个学士学位课程和31个辅修课程,以方便学生攻读。其中一年的MBA专业最受国际学生欢迎。该校获得了美国教育界权威机构WASC的认可, 在美国西部硕士排名中列第18位。在校学生3499人,其中研究生1303人,本科生2196人,其中包含了来自43个国家的国际学生。平均每个班级15人。该校毕业生均有机会获得一年的带薪实习。
加利福尼亚州路德大学占地面积225公顷,拥有完善的教学科研设备。图书馆内拥有超过15000本学术杂志供学生研究。其他的设备包含了校舍、学生宿舍、图书馆、电脑中心、健身房、校园便利商店及艺术表演中心等。 其中13所学生宿舍被安排于校园边上,它有着私人的卫生间,全套功能的厨房(包含有烤箱,微波炉和全尺寸的冰箱等设施)空调,高速无线宽带接入和有线电视等。学生还可以使用游泳池及健身中心等。
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Business Economics (工商管理:商业经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Innovation and Entrepreneurship-3 year (工商管理:创新与创业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Management- 3 year (工商管理:管理学)
MBA-Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Thousand Oaks (企业创新和创业)
MBA-Marketing-Thousand Oaks (市场营销)
MS in Information Technology:IT Management (信息技术:信息技术管理)
Certificate in Financial Planning (财务策划)
Certificate in Information Technology (资讯科技)
Accounting Bachelor of Science (会计学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Global Business (工商管理:全球商业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Innovation and Entrepreneurship (工商管理:创新与创业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Management (工商管理:管理学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Marketing (工商管理:市场营销)
Business Administration Minor (辅修:工商管理)
Economics Minor (辅修:经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Marketing-3 years (工商管理:市场营销)
M.S. in Management-Thousand Oaks (管理学)
Sports Management Bachelor of Science (体育管理)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Finance-3 year (工商管理:金融)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Global Business-3 year (工商管理:全球商业)
MBA-Finance-Thousand Oaks (金融)
MBA-Human Capital Management-Thousand Oaks (人力资源管理)
MBA-Information Technology-Thousand Oaks (信息技术)
MBA-International Business-Thousand Oaks (国际事务)
Master of Public Policy and Administration-Thousand Oaks (公共政策和行政管理)
Cybersecurity Certificate (网络安全)
MBA-pathway (MBA桥梁课程)
MBA (工商管理硕士)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Business Economics-3.5 year (工商管理:商业经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Management- 3.5 year (工商管理:管理学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Marketing- 3.5 year (工商管理:市场营销)
Executive MBA (高管MBA)
Full-time MBA (工商管理)
M.S. in Management (管理学)
Master of Public Policy and Administration (公共政策和行政管理)
MBA-Human Capital Management (人力资源管理)
MBA-International Business (国际商务)
MBA-Finance-Westlake Village (金融)
MBA-International Business-Westlake Village (国际事务)
MS in Information Technology:Data Analytics (信息技术:数据分析)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Finance-3.5 year (工商管理:金融)
Entrepreneurship Minor (创业)
MBA-Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship (企业创新和创业)
MBA-Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Westlake Village (企业创新和创业)
MBA-Information Technology-Westlake Village (信息技术)
MBA-Marketing-Westlake Village (市场营销)
M.S. in Quantitative Economics (量化经济学)
MS in Information Technology:Cybersecurity (信息技术:网络安全)
Financial Planning Minor (辅修:财务规划)
Global Business Minor (辅修:全球商务)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Finance (工商管理:金融)
Economics Bachelor of Arts (经济学)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Business Economics-3 year (工商管理:商业经济学)
Post MBA Certificate (MBA)
Data Analytics Certificate (数据分析)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Global Business-3.5 year (工商管理:全球商业)
Business Administration Bachelor of Science:Innovation and Entrepreneurship-3.5 year (工商管理:创新与创业)
MBA-Finance (金融)
MBA-Information Technology (信息技术)
MBA-Marketing (市场营销)
MBA-Human Capital Management-Westlake Village (人力资源管理)
MS in Information Technology:IT Management (信息技术:IT管理)
BS in Business Management ()
Masters in Management (管理学)
M.A. in Educational Leadership-Santa Maria (教育领导力)
M.S. in Counseling for K-12 Schools-Oxnard (K-12学校心理咨询)
Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science (跨学科)
History Pedagogy Bachelor of Arts (历史教育学)
Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts (跨学科)
Liberal Studies in Education Bachelor of Arts (教育通识教育)
M.S. in Counseling for Higher Education-Woodland Hills (高等教育心理咨询)
M.S. in Counseling for K-12 Schools (K-12学校心理咨询)
M.A. in Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Credential Program (聋人和重听者证书)
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential (初步教育专家证书)
M.A. in Educational Leadership-Oxnard (教育领导力)
Exercise Science Bachelor of Science:Pedagogy/Teaching (运动科学:教育学/教学)
Preliminary Teaching Credential (初步教师资格证)
Preliminary Teaching Credential-Oxnard (初步教师资格证)
M.S. in Counseling for Higher Education (高等教育心理咨询)
Computer Information Systems (计算机信息系统)
Computer Information Systems Minor (辅修:计算机信息系统)
Computer Science Bachelor of Science (计算机科学)
MS in Information Technology (信息技术)
Applied Scientific Computing Minor (辅修:应用科学计算)
Computer Science Minor (辅修:计算机科学)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Graphic Design / Print (多媒体:平面设计/印刷)
Film and Television Minor (辅修:电影和电视)
Multimedia Minor (辅修:多媒体)
Philosophy Minor (辅修:哲学)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:High Definition Digital Cinema (多媒体:高清数字影院)
Communication Minor (辅修:通信)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Digital Gaming (多媒体:数字游戏)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Visual Effects, Motion Graphics & Animation (多媒体:视觉效果, 动态图形和动画)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Church Music (音乐:教堂音乐)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Composition (音乐:作曲)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Music Education (音乐:音乐教育)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Music Technology (音乐:音乐技术)
Film and Television Bachelor of Arts:Film Studies (电影和电视:电影研究)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Journalism (通讯:新闻学)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Performance (音乐:表演)
Film and Television Bachelor of Arts:Film and Television Production (电影和电视:电影和电视制作)
Multimedia Bachelor of Arts:Interactivity, Web & Mobile Devices (多媒体:交互性, 网络和移动设备)
Music Bachelor of Arts:Musical Theatre (音乐:音乐剧)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Film and Television Production (通讯:电影和电视制作)
Art Bachelor of Arts (艺术)
Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts:Technical Theatre (戏剧:技术剧院)
Legal Studies Minor (辅修:法律研究)
Music Production Bachelor of Arts (音乐制作)
Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts:Performance (戏剧:表演)
Art Minor (辅修:艺术)
Music Minor (辅修:音乐)
Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts:Musical Theatre (戏剧:音乐剧)
Creative Writing Minor (辅修:创意写作)
German Minor (辅修:德语)
English Bachelor of Arts (英语)
French Bachelor of Arts (法语)
German Bachelor of Arts (德语)
Spanish Bachelor of Arts (西班牙语)
English Minor (辅修:英语)
Environmental Studies Minor (辅修:环境研究)
Physics Minor (辅修:物理)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (生物化学与分子生物学)
Chemistry Minor (辅修:化学)
Mathematics Minor (辅修:数学)
Chemistry Bachelor of Arts (化学)
Physics Bachelor of Science (物理学)
Biology Bachelor of Science (生物学)
Chemistry Bachelor of Science (化学)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Sports Communication (通讯:体育传播)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Bachelor of Arts (生物化学和分子生物学)
Biology Bachelor of Arts (生物学)
Exercise Science Bachelor of Science:Health Professions (运动科学:卫生专业)
Exercise Science Bachelor of Science:Human Performance (运动科学:人为表现)
Mathematics Bachelor of Arts (数学)
Mathematics Bachelor of Science (数学)
Biology Minor (辅修:生物学)
Geosciences Minor (辅修:地球科学)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Bachelor of Science (生物化学和分子生物学)
Environmental Science Bachelor of Science (环境科学)
Geosciences Bachelor of Science (地球科学)
Physics Bachelor of Arts (物理学)
Communication Bachelor of Arts:Advertising/Public Relations (通讯:广告/公共关系)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Health and Wellness Applications (心理学:健康和保健应用)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Sports Psychology Applications (心理学:运动心理学应用)
Asian Studies Minor (辅修:亚洲研究)
Global Studies Minor (辅修:全球研究)
Psychology Minor (辅修:心理学)
Sociology Minor (辅修:社会学)
TESOL Minor (辅修:对外英语教学)
Theology and Christian Leadership Minor (辅修:神学与基督教领袖)
French Minor (辅修:法语)
Gender and Women’s Studies Minor (辅修:性别与妇女研究)
Public Health Minor (辅修:公共健康)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)-Westlake Village (咨询心理学)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)-Oxnard (咨询心理学)
Dance Minor (辅修:舞蹈)
History Minor (辅修:历史)
Religion Minor (辅修:宗教)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Minor (辅修:创新创业)
Theology and Christian Leadership Bachelor of Arts:Spirituality and the Arts (神学与基督教领袖:灵性与艺术)
Theology and Christian Leadership Bachelor of Arts:Children, Youth and Family Ministry (神学与基督教领袖:儿童、青年和家庭部)
History Bachelor of Arts:Museum Studies (历史:博物馆研究)
Philosophy Bachelor of Arts (哲学)
Religion Bachelor of Arts (宗教)
Theology and Christian Leadership Bachelor of Arts:Not for Profit & Social Sector (神学与基督教领袖:非盈利性社会部门)
Global Studies Bachelor of Arts (全球研究)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Business/Organizational Applications (心理学:商业/组织应用)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Family and Child Development (心理学:家庭和儿童发展)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Law and Criminal Behavior Applications (心理学:法律和犯罪行为应用)
Geology Minor (地质学)
Criminology and Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science (犯罪学与刑事司法)
Political Science Bachelor of Arts:International Relations (政治学:国际关系)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Behavioral/Clinical Applications (心理学:行为/临床应用)
Psychology Bachelor of Arts:Psychobiology (心理学:心理生物学)
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (初步行政服务证书)
MS in Clinical Psychology (临床心理学)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)- Westlake Village (咨询心理学)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT)- Oxnard (咨询心理学)
Certificate of Advanced Theological Studies (Lutheran Year) (高级神学研究)
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential-Oxnard (初步行政服务证书)
Certificate of Theological Studies (神学研究)
MA in Spirituality and Social Change (灵性与社会变迁)
American Studies Minor (辅修:美国研究)
Ethnic and Race Studies Bachelor of Arts (辅修:民族和种族研究)
Ethnic Studies Minor (辅修:民族研究)
Political Science Minor (辅修:政治科学)
Spanish Minor (辅修:西班牙语)
Theatre Arts Minor (辅修:戏剧艺术)
Marketing Communication Bachelor of Arts (营销传播)
Political Science Bachelor of Arts:Law and Public Policy (政治学:法律与公共政策)
Sociology Bachelor of Arts (社会学)
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential-Santa Maria (初步行政服务证书)
MS in Counseling Psychology (MFT) (咨询心理学)
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